What makes Study Hall Guide unique?
So many things! Here's a list of some of the major differences that put Studyhallguide.com in a completely different league to any other online guide.
Studyhallguide.com helps the study hall owners to register by themselves at our platform and provide the basic details of the study hall like
- No. of seats available
- Type of seats whether AC or Non-AC
- Pricing of the seats
- Facilities provided by the Study Hall Owner
We include direct phone and website contact information for Study Halls in their listings (when available).
When you want to make a booking, our system searches and displays results from all of the major Study halls based on the location wherever you are and also based on search area wise.
Studyhallguide.com offers only genuine reviews. We never allow study hall owners to censor reviews about their Study Halls. We believe you should be able to read everyone's opinions about every Study Hall, both good and bad.
In addition to user-submitted reviews, we also have paid reviewers who visit each Study Hall in person to write more thorough comprehensive reviews (these appear at the top of the page, separate from the user reviews at the bottom of the page).
Photographs of each Study Hall which will be uploaded by the study hall owner show our users what each Study Hall really looks like on a typical day, not just the glossy, Instagram-perfection of photos provided by the property.
We could keep going, but those are at least some of the major points. And we are not done yet. We're working on many neater new features that will be going live on the site this year. So, stick around, it only gets better.